My artist ident for MTV in June 2020
Artist Ident
Based on the theme 'Sad' and created during the early weeks of lockdown in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, there is a somewhat 'fatalistic' flavour to this piece which is reflective of the weird and uncertain moment the idea was conceived in!

It was an open brief, I just had to follow one of the themes & colour schemes below.

The project landed in my inbox right at the beginning of the first UK wide lockdown. Just as we were all adjusting to our new circumstances. I was coping by investing a lot of time in my garden.

My initial concepts played with the theme 'lazy' and were heavily inspired by my newfound gardening hobby

The first idea I had was about a man (me) spending hours sowing a new lawn, meticulously preparing the soil, raking, sowing, watering. Then after days pass a stubborn group of lazy seeds don't bother to get up, which reveals a brown patch of mud in the shape of the MTV logo.

The second idea was about 2 worms at the foot of a tomato plant, they both spot a juicy fruit at the top of the stem. The eager and energetic work grits his teeth and tediously struggles his way to the top the stem. As he victoriously reached the top, the plant suddenly gives way and tumbles to the ground. It turns out the crafty, lazy worm nibbled at the stem and sneakily bagged himself the fallen tomato.

However, I felt neither of these ideas were quite right. I wanted to make something that gave off some real retro MTV vibes.

Also, lockdown was really taking it's toll on my mental health. So I was falling back on old movies to help lift my spirits, in doing so I stumbled across this nostalgic gem from my all time favourite movie Jurassic Park.

The scene is so quintessentially 90's and so perfect it help spark a new idea around the theme 'sad'...

And a new concept came to life

This was truly a dream project. I've wanted to work with MTV my whole creative life. (I even wrote my undergraduate dissertation about them) so I was beyond thrilled with this collaboration.

A huge thank you to the design team at MTV and to the super talented Marian Mentrup for his incredible sound design.